I scribble about fumbling through these middle years of my life and about what makes my heart sing.
I write because it’s what comes naturally for me. It’s how I process things, how I figure things out and how I savour experiences that I never want to lose.
I hope something here makes you smile – or maybe think about something differently.
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Sometimes lines that take the shape of a poem is a better expression. I can’t quite call these poetry yet, but it’s a work in progress.

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24 of the best things in 2024
Rambling on about racing
A friend called me out this summer when I said that doing the BC Bike Race (BCBR) is too difficult for me. After much contemplation and excessive amounts of overthinking as I tend to do, I have signed up to do the race next summer. The commitment is in place; working through the self-doubt is…
The tale of my solitary life
The tale of my solitary life is told in meals eaten at the kitchen counter, sometimes off the cutting board Single serve containers of left overs in my freezer How does one cook dinner for one The half bottle of red in the door of the fridge only good for a stew now Always navigating…