Big things ahead

And I don’t just mean our butts. Big adventures and big goals as well.

Last fall I saw a post about All Bodies on Bikes looking to take a group of non-traditional cyclists to SBT GRVL in August. As a 54 year old woman of colour, who’s also fat – I checked enough boxes to make the application easy. My heritage is East Indian, I was born in South Africa and live on the wet coast of Canada. Perhaps it’s where I live, but I don’t see other women like me playing bikes. 

I was thrilled in that “oh shit, what have I signed up for” way when I was selected; even more thrilled when I got to meet the rest of the athletes – yes, athletes – who got into the program. We do athletic things – we’re athletes – the end.

There are people of colour, fat people, thin people and a para athlete whose cycling career has been upended and greatly changed – but not quite cut short – by a hit and run. THIS is the calibre of inspiration I have at my disposal. They all have amazing stories about their love affair with bikes. I’m still the only old one, but that’s alright; maybe they’ll take pity on the old gal and wait for me at least. 

If you’ve not heard of SBT GRVL, it is a gravel race in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I’ve never been to Colorado, what better reason to go. There are a lot of training days between now and August 11 when I have to ride my 100 mile course ~gulp~ with 6300ft of climbing AT ALTITUDE. Did I mention I live at sea level? That’s 160 km and about 2000m if you think in metric.

I waffle between “wheeee how exciting”, and “what was I thinking” every few weeks. On the “wheee how exciting” days I look forward to the shared journey with this great group of people, guided by Marley and Kailey and the team at SBT GRVL that have already been so welcoming. I’m bike shopping to upgrade my steed and so excited for the possibilities.

On the “what was I thinking” days I breathe deeply and remind myself to put the work in. Do the work, and then just take it one pedal stroke at a time on race day. 

It’s going to be amazing!