56 good things

In no particular order

  1. Lake swims and river dips.
  2. All the delight to be had on bikes – all the bikes!
  3. The people that have come into my life through bikes.
  4. Seeing my kid happy and having her life together.
  5. Time in the forest – two feet or two wheels – it’s all soul food.
  6. Quiet evenings with soft music and fine bourbon.
  7. Books – some for reading or writing others for drawing and scribbling.
  8. A slow wind down of the best summer in forever.
  9. Falling in love with camping again.
  10. One of the reasons being the stars when you come out of your tent in the middle of the night. Packing up a wet tent does not make this list
  11. Morning coffee – the ritual of making it, and then taking it out to the balcony to greet the day.
  12. When the sun still reaches my balcony on September mornings.
  13. Neighborhood gardens in bloom.
  14. Being woken by birdsong.
  15. A project on my needles.
  16. When the moon finally rises over the mountain.
  17. Having to wash my feet at bedtime because I’ve been barefoot all day.
  18. That cool predawn air that slips in through the open window, and the cosiness of pulling the covers up.
  19. Road trips to magical places to see wonderful things.
  20. Race week at BCBR.
  21. Bedtime.
  22. Coming home to my little apartment in Squamish.
  23. The magnificence of the mountains – whether it’s the Chief outside my door or the Tetons that I drove hundreds of miles to see.
  24. Planning new adventures.
  25. Having crafted a life that never requires an alarm clock.
  26. Afternoons on the couch with a cup of tea and my book.
  27. The bounty to be had at the weekly farmers’ market.
  28. The sanctity of my peace over all else.
  29. The people in my life who are like sunshine.
  30. Spotting bears, eagles, snakes, elk, owls and this year, some moose, bison, a fox and a cheeky pine marten in their natural habitat.
  31. Buying hot off the stone bagels from a local guy who bakes them in his kitchen on the weekend.
  32. Getting up or down some trail feature on your bike that you’ve struggled with.
  33. The excitement of the start line and thrill of the finish line at a bike race.
  34. This body of mine that always says “yes, let’s” every single time I say “shall we”.
  35. Taking dinner to the water to eat.
  36. Living where I can walk to coffee, groceries, the library, the drug store and the post office.
  37. Afternoon naps.
  38. Fresh sheets on my bed.
  39. Every single ferry crossing.
  40. Wildflower meadows.
  41. Taking in the blue hour.
  42. Cooking my favourite meal.
  43. Being outside.
  44. My confidence in knowing that life always unfolds in my favour.
  45. As much as I love summer, this gentle transition to fall is quite lovely.
  46. My favourite song on repeat. Usually something with Leon Bridges, right now with Miranda Lambert.
  47. That exercise-drunk feeling after a good workout.
  48. Doing fulfilling work – the paid kind and the volunteer hours.
  49. Bike rides with frenzies.
  50. The courage, the resources and the freedom to go on solo adventures.
  51. Authentic human connection.
  52. Birthdays!
  53. Friends who delight me with gestures of genuine caring.
  54. The tinsel through my hair and the lines on my face that are all a part of my story.
  55. Living where I can pedal to the trails or walk in the forest within 10 minutes of closing my door.
  56. Not having to choose between the mountains and the ocean

5 thoughts on “56 good things

  1. Kristen Engle

    You fill my heart with joy and the aspiration to make my own list, be it altering my day or my perspective. I feel fortunate to have met you on one of those BCBR weeks.

  2. Rosie

    I love it! All of it. #17 made me laugh out loud because itโ€™s so me and took me by surprise. And so many items on your list would be on mine. It truly made me appreciate them all over again. This is an incredible idea, and I will have to make my own list come when my upgrade hits: V5.4. You are such an inspiration. Thank you!

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