Long Lines

It’s not just fruitcake

I’m down to my last stash of Woolworths fruitcake pulled from my freezer this afternoon. There are 3 … no wait, only 2 now … 2 treasured slices left. As far as fruitcake goes it’s pretty decent: moist and just the right amount of fruity sweetness. It’s not special in that its spectacular fruitcake, it’s […]

Culinary comforts

It’s interesting what you miss when you’re away from home for a long time. Of course my bed, my shower and the familiarity of my life in my apartment. I also missed my kitchen. Self-catering has its limitations. While you can get by feeding yourself, it is within the limitations of always only shopping for […]

Childhood memories resurfacing

It’s been four week since I arrived in South Africa for this glorious adventure. Even though I grew up in Johannesburg, I’ve lived in Canada for more of my life than I have in South Africa, so Canada is home. I’ve been back 3 times in the 30 years I’ve been away, the last trip […]

We are wanderers

My baby girl – who’s almost 30 but always my baby girl – moved to the UK 5 years ago. 5 years have passed in a blink of an eye. For one reason or another, I haven’t seen her since the summer of 2019. 5 years may have passed in a blink, but these 3 […]

20 days to go …..

There’s a big gap between “I should do that race next year, it sounds like fun” and the reality of “How can it be less than 3 weeks to the race?” Last November when I applied to join the All Bodies on Bikes team at SBT GRVL it seemed like a reasonably achievable goal. It […]

Sea to Sky Trail Challenge

The Sea to Sky trail is a 180km trail that will, one day, run all the way from Squamish to D’Arcy, north of Pemberton. The Squamish to Whistler route is in place, but the extension is still under development. There’s a stunning section of it the runs from Brandywine Falls to Whistler that I’ve done […]

Periods – and other irksome things

I am 54 – a few months short of 55. That means I’ve been having a monhly period for about 42 or so years. That’s somewhere in the region of 500 periods. This means more than 500 months of at least one week of cramping, bloating, helter-skelter hormones, headaches and poor sleep. Oh yes, and […]