Tag: adventure

The head games of racing

Racing is pure madness. Madness, I tell you!! You sign up for a race months out with great excitement and ambition. In the days leading up to the race, the doubts start surface, and by the morning of the race, you are a wreck. At least I am. I have done a few races now, […]

How much further can I go?

My journey home from Torrey UT in the Spring was 1200 miles and would take 18 hours for someone who would drive straight through. I need 100 stops – at least! – not just for the bathroom, but for some fresh air and a little bit of movement so I can stay alert behind the […]

Road trip rambles

These are scribbles from some of the pages of my journals as captured from the road. I drove down to Moab last month to go and race Moab Rocks – a 3-day mountain bike stage race, to see my friends and to have spend some time exploring in the desert. A bumpy start This morning […]