Tag: racing

The head games of racing

Racing is pure madness. Madness, I tell you!! You sign up for a race months out with great excitement and ambition. In the days leading up to the race, the doubts start surface, and by the morning of the race, you are a wreck. At least I am. I have done a few races now, […]


This time of year is always such a delightful wind down. While I must confess that I’ve hardly been shoulder to the wheel these last few months with work being quiet, and training only just restarting, I still love the abyss of the week between Christmas and New Year. I get reflective for a few […]

20 days to go …..

There’s a big gap between “I should do that race next year, it sounds like fun” and the reality of “How can it be less than 3 weeks to the race?” Last November when I applied to join the All Bodies on Bikes team at SBT GRVL it seemed like a reasonably achievable goal. It […]

5 weeks to go!

I’m five weeks out from doing my first race. Moab Rocks is a 3-day mountain bike stage race happening the first week of April. There are moments of regret about making poor choices but lately, there have been far more moments of entertaining the possibility of actually pulling this off. To be clear, I will […]

Big things ahead

And I don’t just mean our butts. Big adventures and big goals as well. Last fall I saw a post about All Bodies on Bikes looking to take a group of non-traditional cyclists to SBT GRVL in August. As a 54 year old woman of colour, who’s also fat – I checked enough boxes to […]