I scribble about fumbling through these middle years of my life and about what makes my heart sing.


I write because it’s what comes naturally for me. It’s how I process things, how I figure things out and how I savour experiences that I never want to lose.

I hope something here makes you smile – or maybe think about something differently.

Go to Long Lines or use the shortcut below to see what’s new.


Sometimes lines that take the shape of a poem is a better expression. I can’t quite call these poetry yet, but it’s a work in progress.

Go to Short Lines


Time well wasted, one might say.

Go to Squiggly Lines

  • Sea to Sky Trail Challenge

    The Sea to Sky trail is a 180km trail that will, one day, run all the way from Squamish to D’Arcy, north of Pemberton. The Squamish to Whistler route is in place, but the extension is still under development. There’s a stunning section of it the runs from Brandywine Falls to Whistler that I’ve done…

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  • Getting Stronger

    Training can in turn be so empowering – and then also so demoralizing. I lamented to a friend a few weeks ago about not seeing any progress from my training. She came back with, “What would getting stronger look like to you?” I’m not sure if I love it or hate it when friends ask…

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  • Periods – and other irksome things

    I am 54 – a few months short of 55. That means I’ve been having a monhly period for about 42 or so years. That’s somewhere in the region of 500 periods. This means more than 500 months of at least one week of cramping, bloating, helter-skelter hormones, headaches and poor sleep. Oh yes, and…

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