I scribble about fumbling through these middle years of my life and about what makes my heart sing.


I write because it’s what comes naturally for me. It’s how I process things, how I figure things out and how I savour experiences that I never want to lose.

I hope something here makes you smile – or maybe think about something differently.

Go to Long Lines or use the shortcut below to see what’s new.


Sometimes lines that take the shape of a poem is a better expression. I can’t quite call these poetry yet, but it’s a work in progress.

Go to Short Lines


Time well wasted, one might say.

Go to Squiggly Lines

  • Road trip rambles

    These are scribbles from some of the pages of my journals as captured from the road. I drove down to Moab last month to go and race Moab Rocks – a 3-day mountain bike stage race, to see my friends and to have spend some time exploring in the desert. A bumpy start This morning…

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  • This was my brother

    His name was Ismail, and would have turned 60 next month, but he died 40 years ago today in motorbike accident. 40 years? He has been gone twice as long as he was here. He had played well in a rugby match a few days earlier, and limped proudly with some minor injury that he…

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  • Easter memories

    I wrote this a number of years ago, but it is still fitting. The memories still make me smile. Coming home with a bag of hot cross buns from the grocery store. I bit into one, and frowned as the bland, dry mass moved around my mouth. Of course I compared it to the hot cross buns…

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