I scribble about fumbling through these middle years of my life and about what makes my heart sing.


I write because it’s what comes naturally for me. It’s how I process things, how I figure things out and how I savour experiences that I never want to lose.

I hope something here makes you smile – or maybe think about something differently.

Go to Long Lines or use the shortcut below to see what’s new.


Sometimes lines that take the shape of a poem is a better expression. I can’t quite call these poetry yet, but it’s a work in progress.

Go to Short Lines


Time well wasted, one might say.

Go to Squiggly Lines

  • The stages of racing

    The pre-race crazy stage I’m less than two weeks out from racing Moab Rocks for the second – and final – time. The current conversation in my head goes something like this. How can I work so hard and still be so shit – maybe I didn’t work hard enough – ugh – I should…

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  • Ma

    Last week, my grandmother would have been 111 years old had she still been around. My father called her Ma, so we did too. I think she passed away in 1988 or 1989, so would have been in her late 70’s. I never knew my grandmother except as an old, old woman. Even my earliest…

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  • It’s not just fruitcake

    I’m down to my last stash of Woolworths fruitcake pulled from my freezer this afternoon. There are 3 … no wait, only 2 now … 2 treasured slices left. As far as fruitcake goes it’s pretty decent: moist and just the right amount of fruity sweetness. It’s not special in that its spectacular fruitcake, it’s…

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